To finish, you have to start...

I read this today as someone's facebook status:

"I don't like starting a run. I like finishing a run. But I don't get one without the other"

It really epitomizes how I feel about so many things - running being one of them. But certainly not the only one. For example, I don't like cleaning, but I like a clean home. And I am sure there are more that I just can't think of right now.

The reality is that good stuff usually takes work. It takes effort. And who really likes work and effort. But it is worth it, and part of what makes it worth it is the satisfaction of putting in the effort and working for it. While we say we want things the easy way, we don't really appreciate what we don't work for.

I feel more satisfied when I finish a run I didn't want to go on in the first place (which is most of them). Though, I must admit, I'm actually not sure I would appreciate a clean home less if someone else did it...


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