"Are we there yet?"

I love the excitement of new things. Sure, it's scary, but I just love the challenge and the newness of it. I have been in kind of a funk lately, and I feel like I am coming out of it. As I think about why I think it's kind of like spring in my life. There are new things happening and I am excited to see what comes from them.

There are some people who do well with routine. I am not one of them. I like new and different. And this sense of anticipation of the new things in my life - personal and professional - is quite exciting. But there's also a challenge that comes from it. I have a tendency to want to jump 10 steps ahead.

This new ministry we're creating at church - it starts in the fall. But I want to do all these things now. I am getting ready to move in May, so I tore my entire apartment apart last weekend and started going through things and purging stuff that I no longer want/need, and now I am trying to clean up the mess I made. Because one thing that happens when I get 10 steps ahead is that I lose momentum as the actual new thing gets closer. I use up my rush of energy too early.

It's funny because when it comes to running, I am built for distance, not speed. But in my life, I tend to sprint ahead and miss the moments along the way. Because the other thing about getting 10 steps ahead is that I miss the process of getting where I'm going.

Life is about the journey, not the destination. But sometimes I get so excited about the destination that I turn into the little kid in the backseat of the car, asking "Are we there yet?" All that question does is show that my focus is in the wrong place. I need to be appreciating where I am. Enjoying the anticipation of new things coming down the road, see what I can see and do right where I am. I need to enjoy the journey. So here's to the anticipation of things to come, whatever they may be, and appreciating the now, just as it is.


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