Taking it personally

I read a blog today about youth and sports - and how youth leaders can approach this scheduling struggle in a productive manner. The whole blog can be found here if anyone is interested


But the point that I think was most convicting and relevant to me was number 4. The author writes...

4) It’s STILL Not About Me: Can I be honest? Much of my struggle in the past has centered around my insecurities and self esteem. Too many of us get bent out of shape because our security and confidence is so tied to whether we have good numbers or whether students pick sports over me and you. When students choose sports over us, we can feel deflated and hurt. Am I right? It’s a hard reality to admit, but I have found that I have to examine my heart regularly on this one. As a caution, anyone in ministry cannot be healthy if they are fueled by the acceptance and security of students. It’s a no win situation and can be disastrous.

And for me, this is not just when people something other than what I am planning. I have noticed it happening more and more when people don't fall into the plans I have that I am excited about. But the reality is that it's not about me. It takes me back to the first sermon I preached that was based around the quote from Donald Miller...

"The most difficult lie I have ever contended with is this: Life is a story about me."

There are a number of things that I am working on that may not make everyone happy; in fact, I can almost guarantee they won't. But I need to let go of that. I need to trust God, make the best decisions I can, listen when someone has constructive criticism, and remember that my identity is not tied to any of this - my identity is that of a child of God.

Easier said than done...


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