
It seems about this time every year when I try to blog, I hit a wall. I end up sitting here trying to come up with something to write about. Which makes me wonder, what really is the point of committing to blogging everyday during Lent? Is this really a worthwhile practice?

I think it is because it does force me to think through the events of my day and evaluate what might be worth writing about, and then to do the same by taking stock of what is going on in my head and my heart. I think it's a valuable practice to simply reflect on every day. What went well? What did I do well? Where did I mess up? How can I make tomorrow better?

Sometimes that turns into deep thoughts. Sometimes a day was just a day. But the only way we can grow from our experiences is to process them. So I know that once I make it through Lent, my musings will not be daily posts on this blog. But I hope the practice of reflecting on my day will continue. I already see myself starting to process things when they happen or reflecting back on things that I have written as they fit into things that happen in my day.

So even on nights like tonight when I start off not having a clue what to write, and knowing that I am only doing it because it is my Lenten practice, I still think it has value. As this post demonstrates, since I had to evaluate the value of this practice.


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