
“Love is louder than the pressure to be perfect.” – Demi Lovato

So I read this quote and it connected with me. I am a perfectionist. Oh not about everything - you just have to look at my apartment to see that. But I am a perfectionist when it comes to the things that matter to me. I am also a procrastinator. A procrastinating perfectionist may sound like an oxy moron to many people, but for me, it is how I live.

Sometimes my procrastination is actually because of my perfectionist nature. I need the perfect inspiration to begin or I have too many ideas and I can't decide which one is the right one. And I have to go with the right idea - at least in my own mind.

Fortunately, most of the time I am able to remember that I am not in fact perfect, and I am not capable of being perfect. But sometimes a critical remark - or even a remark that is not critical but doesn't fit in with my perfect plan, throws me off and upsets me in ways that aren't worth it.

Demi Lovato said “Love is louder than the pressure to be perfect.” The Bible says, "Perfect love casts out fear." God's love can overcome fear of failure. God's love can overcome fear of not being perfect. It's hard to remember, but something I definitely need to learn.

I am not perfect. God is. And the perfect God has chosen to work through me and my imperfections. Pretty amazing if you ask me.


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