I don't know

Why do we have such a fear of those words? Why do we feel we have to know everything, control everything? Honestly, there is great freedom in those three little words sometimes - "I don't know." There is freedom in realizing we don't need to have the answers.

If you grew up in Sunday school, like I did, you know there were "right" answers. The teacher asks a question, and everyone says, "Jesus." The struggle is that many of us never moved past that in our faith, but the questions got bigger and more complicated.

One of my favorite contemporary Christians songs is "What do I know of Holy" by Addison Road. If you haven't heard it, you should look it up on YouTube. All the lyrics are below, but one that gets me everytime is this,

"I guess I thought that I had figured You out
I knew all the stories and I learned to talk about
How You were mighty to save
Those were only empty words on a page
Then I caught a glimpse of who You might be
The slightest hint of You brought me down to my knees"

The reality is that none of us can really know God fully. When I was in college I took a class about the book of Job, and at the end of the book, God responds to all of Job's questions with a series of questions of his own that essentially ask - are you God? I came away from that class realizing that whenever we think we understand God, we've made God too small.

So don't be afraid of the words "I don't know." Because the truth is, none of us have it all figured out.

What do I know of Holy (Addison Road)

I made You promises a thousand times
I tried to hear from Heaven
But I talked the whole time
I think I made You too small
I never feared You at all, no
If You touched my face would I know You
Looked into my eyes could I behold You

What do I know of You
Who spoke me into motion
Where have I even stood
But the shore along Your ocean
Are You fire, are You fury
Are You sacred, are You beautiful
What do I know, what do I know of Holy

I guess I thought that I had figured You out
I knew all the stories and I learned to talk about
How You were mighty to save
Those were only empty words on a page
Then I caught a glimpse of who You might be
The slightest hint of You brought me down to my knees

What do I know of You
Who spoke me into motion
Where have I even stood
But the shore along Your ocean
Are You fire, are You fury
Are You sacred, are You beautiful
So what do I know, what do I know of Holy

What do I know of Holy
What do I know of wounds that will heal my shame
And a God who gave life it's name
What do I know of Holy
Of the One who the angels praise
All creation knows Your name
On earth and heaven above
What do I know of this love

What do I know of You
Who spoke me into motion
Where have I even stood
But the shore along Your ocean
Are You fire, are You fury
Are You sacred, are You beautiful
What do I know, what do I know of Holy
What do I know of Holy
What do I know of Holy


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