
Matthew 9:36-38 When Jesus saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."

Today I am beginning the 30 hour famine. I get to eat lunch, and then I will not have anything but juice and gum until tomorrow at dinner. Considering the craving to simply nibble I have had the past week, that will likely be quite challenging, though the fact that I will be kept busy will certainly help.

The point of the 30 hour famine is to give the kids the experience of what it is like to be hungry as they raise money to help the hungry. And the point I always emphasize to them, is that they always know there is an end point - we will have a delicious meal of baked pasta at 6pm on Saturday. The people we are trying to help, those who are actually without food, they don't know when they will next be able to eat, and much of what they eat has no nutritional value anyway - it is simply what they can afford, particularly as the price of food goes up.

The other line that really stuck out to me when I watched Soul Surfer (which we will be watching tomorrow afternoon) was when Sarah, the youth pastor, talks to Bethany about compassion, and she tells her that compassion can move people to do great things and can also provide a new perspective. It is my prayer for the youth this weekend that they would be moved to compassion, and that in the process they would gain a new perspective about realities of the world and feel the calling to do something about. I am asking the Lord to send these young workers into his harvest field. Will you pray along with me (and for me as I lead this group of teens with no food and little sleep myself) this weekend?


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