Being sick

I don't really handle being sick well. Instead, I prefer to pretend that I am fine. I can keep going. I can still do what needs to be done. I may be sick but I am going to suffer through it and just hope I don't make anyone sick that I interact with.

The past two days have been like that. I am not very sick. Today, actually, I was mostly just tired with an off and on headache and sore throat. And I didn't have that much to do, so it wasn't a really big deal. But still...

Why do I think that I can't stop when my body needs to? Why do I just pretend that I'm ok when I should admit that I need to rest and recover? Why is it so hard to admit that sometimes I can't do what I committed to do? Why do I stink at asking for help when I need it?

Just a few thoughts I'm thinking as I wonder how I'll feel tomorrow - since it's Sunday... hopefully I'll feel better so it won't be an issue. Which probably means I should get some sleep now. Goodnight!


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