Happy exhaustion...

Is there anything quite as satisfying as being exhausted after a good day?

Today was my first day back at Heartland after the winter, since I'm only out there when there are groups that need adventure education facilitators - and lots of them. I led 3 groups in group problem solving, and also learned a new system of belaying at the rock wall and did one session of belaying. I spent the day outside on a gorgeous sunny, if a bit windy, day.

And the feeling I have now after a busy day at camp, is, quite simply, happy exhaustion. Sometimes we think the perfect life is a that of a cat - sleeping all the time. And it's true that sometimes that seems ideal, for a day at least. But the reality is that most of us wouldn't like a life of laziness. There is something satisfying about productivity.

And when something is productive, and fun, well that's a job worth having. I am grateful to have two of them - pretty amazing, if I do say so myself! :-)


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