Bad habits

Do you have a bad habit that you never seem to break? Something you should learn is bad for you, but yet you do it anyway? For me one I do all the time is staying up too late at night. All week I have told myself that I would go bed earlier - especially the last 2 nights since I was so tired. And here it is after 1am, and I have somewhere to be at 9:30 in the morning, and I am just now writing this blog, and then I still have to get ready for bed.

I don't know what it is about going to bed at a "normal" hour that is so hard for me, but this is a something I do over and over and over again, depriving myself of much needed sleep. In the grand scheme of things, it's not that big a problem because on days when I don't have a specific schedule I can sleep in to catch up. Which may be a part of the reason I am never super motivated to change my habits.

I once read a quote that said something about good habits being as easy to form as bad ones, but I haven't really found that to be true in my life. And bad habits are definitely hard to break. This is one that I think will take me a while. But I can at least work on it by going to bed now. Goodnight!


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