Listen to your body...

I get really annoyed with commercials for 5-hour energy because of the tagline "Every day is a 5-hour energy day." Because every day should not be a 5-hour energy day. Yes, there are times that we need an extra boost of energy to complete what needs done - but if that's every day, you need to rethink the amount of commitments you have, and ask for help where you can. God did not create us to run non-stop. In fact he commanded us to rest.

"We must learn to recognize our own limits and be willing to ask for help. It is better to do something small and do it well than to attempt everything and accomplish nothing. Slowing down to reflect can be painful, but it is always helpful." ~ Amy Jacober

I wrote just the other day about my bad habit of staying up later than I should. And let me tell you, I am feeling it right now, after an early (for me) morning, and a quite busy day. I need sleep, especially since tomorrow is just as busy, if not busier. So I am going to listen to my body now and get some rest. The stuff that needs done - it will wait. Plus, I will do it much better after taking care of myself and getting some sleep.


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