Day 8: Wisdom

I had a hard time thinking of what would work for wisdom.  Though honestly I had very little time to think about it.  Today was a crazy day - church, followed by babysitting 21 church kids to give their parents some time out during the crazy holiday season, followed by SUM TEENS leadership meeting and small groups.  Honestly if I didn't have amazing people working alongside of me in each of these areas, I don't know how I would have made it through.  But the truth is, when I got home, I had nothing much left.  And those are the times we need to take care of ourselves.  Wisdom is knowing when to let someone else take control.  Wisdom is taking time to take care of yourself in the midst of the busyness.  So after my crazy long day I am taking time to pamper myself by hanging out in my sweats watching TV and soaking my feet.  There is a reason one of the commandments is to keep the Sabbath holy. God knows that we need rest, and it is a truly wise person who takes the rest they need.


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