Advent Day 15: Rejoice

I spent a good portion of today being a part of the audience.  This morning was the children's Christmas program:

Which was wonderful as usual.  These kids are incredibly gifted.  Then this afternoon we had the annual church Christmas recital and all sorts of talented people showcased their gifts.  There were Irish dancers, vocalists, and instrumentalists.  There were groups and duos and soloists.  

And as I thought about rejoicing, and what to do with my picture today, I thought about how one of the best ways to rejoice in the Lord is praise him with the gifts he has given us.  Now the people I witnessed today had a gift that I definitely don't have - rhythm (I'm alright on the music side of things, but the rhythm makes that fairly useless), but we all have gifts that we need to let shine as we rejoice in the Lord.

(I apologize for the poor picture quality - these were taken from a bit of a distance, in not great lighting, on my phone)


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