Day 3: Peace

This is my roommate's dog Tinkerbell.  As I thought about peace, I thought about her sleeping because she just seems so at peace with herself.  She is able to snuggle up wherever and just be.  I find that I envy her that.   As a human, sometimes just being is so challenging.  There is always something else to focus on, something else that needs done.  There's a to-do list that never ends. There are problems we can't solve.  And the holiday season busy-ness just adds to the lists.

But part of Jesus coming was to bring us peace - peace that passes understanding.  In the midst of the chaos and the craziness, we can find peace when we give the crazy to God and take time to just be.  So snuggle with a pet, spend time with a friend, play with a kid - let go of the crazy and enjoy the moment.  Whatever it looks like for you - I hope you can find some peace in the midst of the busy holiday season.


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