Day 16: Strong

As you look at this picture, our society says that the strong are those who are doing the lifting. And there is truth in that.  Strong people do lift others up - sometimes literally, but more often in figurative ways. 

But what I am learning is that there is another kind of strength in allowing others to lift you.  I am capable of helping others.  And I am extremely capable of helping myself - I am a very independent person.  But the kind of strength I am still working on is the kind of strength that allows me to be vulnerable, to let others in, and to allow myself to be helped.  
The thing is there is no one more vulnerable, no one who has less control, than a baby.  And that is how God chose to come to the earth.  God made himself vulnerable to humanity and asks that in return we make ourselves vulnerable to him. Letting go of control is not something that I am good at, but the truth is control is an illusion anyway, and accepting the fact that I am not in control is a kind of strength that I admire in others and am seeking within myself.  


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