Day 4: Time

Time.  It's one of those things that there never seems to be enough of.  Sometimes with my team challenge students we talk about those things we have in limited supply - primarily time and money, and we talk about how when there are limited amounts of something, we need to make a plan on how we want to use what we have.

Let me confess - I am terrible at this.  I am procrastinator and I am better at acting on a whim then sticking to a plan.  I like to have a plan.  I just don't generally follow it.  Which is probably why I often feel rushed - like I am running out of time.  There is never enough of it.  I feel like I live my life with a timer like this running down on each task, and I end up waiting until the last moment when I can't wait any longer.  And then I get it done just before the deadline.

That is my relationship with time.  And honestly, most of the time it works for me.  But sometimes that results in me being overextended and overwhelmed.  And in those moments, I need to step back, take stock of what really matters, and begin again.  Because the reality is that there will never be enough time to do everything I think I need to do or everything I want to do.  But if I make time to prioritize the use of the time I have been given, I can accomplish much more than when I operate in emergency mode.


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