Called to Christ: Find your rest and renewal in him (Work Mission day 2)

Tonight's devotions were written By Lora Fritsche

Read Matthew 11:28-30
·        What do you think this passage is telling us?
·        How does it relate to being called?
·        Is there any part of the passage that confuses you that other members of your group might be able to clarify?
o       Yoke (according to a device for joining together a pair of draft animals, especially oxen, usually consisting of a crosspiece with two bowshaped pieces, each enclosing the head of an animal.
o       How does understanding what a yoke is help you understand the verses?
No matter where you are in life, every person carries their own personal burdens. 

There are some burdens we all face, such as  1. Sin 2. Demands of family, work, school 3. Oppression and persecution 4. Weariness in the search for God.

How can you find rest and renewal with Jesus and allow Him to help you with your burdens?

Think about the best qualities of a relationship.
     (love, respect, comfort, support, loyalty)
     A relationship with Jesus does not eliminate the hardship and toil of the world; however, it definitely transforms weariness into spiritual productivity and purpose.


     Christ’s invitation is to join Him in the yoke so you can walk and work together. He doesn’t want just your burden; He wants you! The yoke of Christ is a symbol of discipleship, characterized by submission and obedience to Him. God’s goal isn’t simply to give relief by removing a weighty trial or affliction; He longs to draw you to Himself in a close and trusting relationship. Those who take Him up on His offer will be transformed and won’t ever return to their old ways.


(continued on next page)
Read Isaiah:40:28-31

Do you believe even the strongest individuals grow tired?

     God is all powerful and knowing.  God’s power and strength is infinite and greater than any force we know.  Jesus is our connection to God.  He speaks for us and is a constant source of strength.  Through your faith in Jesus, and the trust felt by your relationship with him, God will always renew your strength!

Believe in God’s promise he loves you and wants what is best for you.
Let prayer and God’s word strengthen you.
Trust the Lord with patient expectation.  Sometimes we must be very patient for a long time; however, God will always show us his intent.
Be confident God knows what is best for you.  Daily prayer and reading God’s word will make your confidence strong in every aspect of your life.

·        Pass out post-it notes or paper and pens, and take a few moments for each person in the group to write down the burdens they wish to give to the Lord.

When everyone is done, tonight’s leader should tell the group: You can keep this paper in your Bible as a reminder not to pick up the burden again – Jesus is with you carrying these burdens and providing spiritual rest and comfort.

Have everyone close their eyes except the leader.  Have them imagine that Jesus is standing in front of them – and this is what he says (leader read out loud):

     HOLD MY HAND – AND TRUST.  So long as you are conscious of My Presence with you, all is well.  It is virtually impossible to stumble while walking in the Light with Me.  I designed you to enjoy Me above all else.  You find the deepest fulfillment of your heart in Me alone.
     Fearful, anxious thoughts melt away in the Light of My Presence.  When you turn away from Me, you are vulnerable to the darkness that is always at work in the world.  Don’t be surprised by how easily you sin when you forget to cling to My hand.  In the world, dependency is seen as immaturity.  But in My kingdom, dependence on Me is a prime measure of maturity. 

After a few moments of silence, close with prayer


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