Called for Christ: Blessed to be a Blessing (Work Mission Day 6)

By Bob Rodgers

Read 2 Corinthians 9:6-15
o       What do you think this passage is telling us?
o       How does it relate to being called?
o       Is there any part of the passage that confuses you that other members of your group might be able to clarify?
These verses I just read say that God calls us to give to others not grudgingly, but joyfully, as we each deem appropriate. He has blessed us so that we may be a blessing to others. God gives us much, not so that we hold on to what we have, but so that we can share with those who are not as fortunate. We have been called to serve Christ and to be a blessing to others because of what He has done for us. While some of us may not think that we have abundance, we need to realize that we have all been greatly blessed.

Take a minute to think of some of the ways you have been blessed, and discuss these with your group

When we come to an area such as where we are now, we come with the intent of helping “the poor”. If you notice, in the midst of what we consider lack and poverty, they have a joy and acceptance that we often do not. Most of the people we come to help are joyful and content in their circumstances. They have focused on what is important, God. Not on what makes no eternal difference, possessions.

You have all taken time from your busy schedules to come here this week to work, to help others, to fellowship. We are blessed to be able to do this, to share our time and abilities with others and to do this for God’s glory. As it says in the scripture, there are two benefits to giving to those in need – those in need receive help and God gets the praise for His love in action. YOU are God’s love in action, what you are doing here this week is showing the community that God DOES care, He IS alive, and trusting in Him WILL make a difference. We need to remember this as well, and take it home with us to continue to make a difference.

Take some time to think of some ways that you can be a blessing to others once you return home from this Work Mission and discuss this with your group.

Close with prayer


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