Called for Christ: Called to see Jesus in the Everyday (Work Mission Day 7)
By Katy Wright
Open your time together in
Read Matthew 25:31-46
Think about the things listed
in this passage. These are situations
that people live with everyday – and opportunities that we have to live into
our calling to live for Christ in the everyday.
Discussion questions:
How have you
lived for Christ this week? How can that
transfer to your life at home?
What are the
challenges to living for Christ at home?
What are some of the distractions we have to deal with?
What have you
learned this week that might help with living into our calling?
Jesus told lots
of stories to teach his followers and to remind them to focus on what is
important. What stories can you take
from your week that will remind you to focus on Christ? (Feel free to add those to your 2x4)
Close this part in prayer,
and then spend some time finalizing your presentation for large group time.
Planning for large group
As you reflect on your week,
consider what key things came up in your small group. Then think creatively to decide how you and
your group might want to share some of your stories and lessons from this
week. Remember, there are 6 groups that
will present, so keep your presentations to 3-5 minutes so that our large group
time doesn’t go too long. This could be
a skit, a song, art – feel free to be creative.
God has given each of you gifts – use them!
Large Group Time:
Have each group share their
presentations with the group as a whole.
We have taken time to
reflect on our experiences here, but we need to remember to not leave what we
have learned here in South Carolina . We need to continue pressing forward.
Read Philippians 3:12-16
Not that
I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I
press on to take hold of that for which
Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers and sisters,
I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do:
Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win
the prize for which God has called me heavenward in
Christ Jesus.
Each day we must continue to pursue God’s calling
on our lives. Wherever we are in our
lives, God is calling us – we are always called to Christ, by Christ, and for Christ.
Let us pray.
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