Called by Christ: Called to be part of the Body (Work Mission Day 5)

By Mark Boyce and Elyse Schnabel

·        Read the Ephesians 4:1-16 aloud as a group.
o       What do you think this passage is telling us?
o       How does it relate to being called?
o       Is there any part of the passage that confuses you that other members of your group might be able to clarify?

·        Each group leader was handed a baggie with different names of body parts on different pieces of paper. Pass out those papers now. The object of this game is to see how quickly the group can form a body. When the game starts, everyone walks around, telling people their name (optional) and body part. If their body parts go together (Arm to torso, nose to face, ect.), then they link arms. If they do not go together (nose to arm, leg to head, ect.) then they continue to look for other people. The game will be timed by the leader of the group. Then put the papers back in the bag and pick again so you have new body parts.  This will be done three times and used to show how the individual parts of the body are nothing unless the body is a whole.

·        How does the message behind this game demonstrate the message behind the verse? How does this verse apply to your life and work mission? Discuss.

·        We as a body of believers are strong and can weather anything if we stay together and hold our faith. Like body parts, we are weak and useless alone but with the connection between us and God leading us, we are a powerful force. The fellowship between Christians allows us to strengthen our faith by reflecting on our faiths. The bigger the body of Christ, the more we are able to help those who don’t know God and are in need of direction.

·        Close with prayer.


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