Journey to Bethlehem: Days 8-9

I have a quote somewhere that says, "I try to take one day at a time, but sometimes several of them attack me at once."  That is how I have felt the last 2 days.   There is far too much to do, and far too little time to do it all.  So I remind myself to do what I can, focusing on what absolutely needs done and prioritizing the rest, remembering that tomorrow is a new day and the world will not end if that one thing does not get accomplished.  

Yesterday, I prioritized my run at the end of my day because I needed a stress relief, but decided not to take the time for the blog.  Today I am prioritizing cleaning, then attempting to get to bed early so I can run in the morning.  So this holiday season, when the craziness hits you, remember that things don't have to be perfect. Don't hold yourself to impossible standards.  Do what you can, and let go of what you can't.  And don't forget to take some time to just breathe and appreciate the miracle that is Christmas... and life in general. 

31 miles done, 49 to go.


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