Journey to Bethlehem: Day 3

So today I decided to lighten things up a bit - but don't worry, I'll blow your mind at the end by taking it serious :-P.

Ok so today while running I was watching the Big Bang Theory.  I have been thinking whether the fact that I have been watching TV while running will cause me to focus less on the purpose.  But I really can't handle the treadmill without the tv.  One of these days I'll run at a reasonable hour so that I can run outside, but in the meantime, TV it is.  So anyway, I was watching Big Bang Theory which reminded me of my all time favorite scene from the Big Bang Theory - which happens to be a Christmas scene.  Here it is because there is no way I could describe it in all it's amazingness: 

I love that scene.  Everytime I watch it, it makes me laugh.  But when I was thinking about this while running and thinking whether I could possibly tie it into my blog (because hey - what else did I have to do during commercial breaks while running?)  And here's what I came up with - we are Sheldon.  And God gives us something that we didn't even know was possible as a gift, something we could never have imagined.  Better than the DNA of Leonard Nimoy, he gives us his own DNA placed in Mary's womb, and Emmanuel was born.  And we are called to give back to God all that we have - not just our money or the things that seem easy (like gift baskets) but that which makes us uncomfortable and pushes us (like Sheldon hugging someone).

Ok so maybe it's a stretch, but it worked for me as I completed another 5 miles today.  14 miles down, 66 miles to go.


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