Journey to Bethlehem: Day 5

Today was a late run and filled with lots of stops and starts for various reasons - too hot, too cold, my shoe untied, planning to stop and then deciding to go another mile.  And as I kept stopping and starting the treadmill, I realized that I do the same thing in my faith journey.  I get going on a good path and then I get distracted.  For me, it's usually "good" things that end up distracting me, like getting busy with work or saying yes to too many things people ask of me.  But when I say yes to so many things, I stretch myself too thin and neglect things like sleep, cleaning, me time, and time for me and God tend to fall by the wayside.   But the good news is that God allows me to get back on track - as many times as I need.  I just need to keep paying attention to where my priorities are, see if they line up with what I want them to be, and keep working toward those goals.

22 miles in, 58 miles to go.


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