Journey to Bethlehem: Day 11

Today was kind of a crazy day for me, so this morning as I was trying to figure out my schedule for the rest of the day and the best way to fit everything in, I decided that my best option was to run to the church, do the work I needed to do, and then finish my run with whatever time I still had after that.   I usually can't run to the church because I have things to take with me or people to meet, but today I had a very specific list of things that I needed to do which required nothing I had at home and were all about getting organized for tomorrow and finishing up a couple tasks I started yesterday.

So that's what I did.  And as I decided to interweave my work and running schedules, and I thought about my post from yesterday, I started thinking about how sometimes we think we need to set aside time for God.  I'm not saying that's a bad thing - in fact, I do think setting aside time to pray and read the Bible is important, even though I freely admit I struggle with that.  But I think that by putting so much emphasis on setting aside time for God, we sometimes forget that God wants to be integrated into every aspect of our lives, not relegated to a "quiet time."

I am reminded of a story from the story book at camp.  The essential premise is that a king has no children and he needs someone to follow him on the throne.  He manages to narrow it down to 3 candidates and then he tells them that whoever follows this rule the best in the coming week will be the next king: pray always.  (1 Thessalonians 5:17 "Pray without ceasing")  So the first man goes to a monastery and spends all his time praying, with the monks as his witnesses.  And the second man goes from church to church lighting candles and praying.  But the third man doesn't seem to do anything different in his life, and the people are worried because they want him to be their next king.  So the end of the week comes and the king talks to each of the men, and the first 2 have witness who tell about all their hours spent in pray, but are stumped when the king asks who is better for their prayer and how they made a difference.  Then the third man comes in and says that he didn't have time in his life to give up a week to spend it only in prayer, so he simply made room for God as he went about his daily life, just as he always did.  And before the king can even ask about how this man made a difference, people start coming in and talking about the impact this man has had on their lives.  And of course this man is chosen to be the next king.

We don't have to stop our lives to spend time with God.  God wants to be with us along the journey.  Pray without ceasing.  Share each experience you have in life with God.  You don't have to stop life to spend time with God, though spending time with God may change the direction of your life.

There's one other thing that I want to mention tonight.  Last week in my small group we were finishing up the "Not A Fan" video series, and there was one quote that stuck out to me.  One of the people in the video said that she didn't want people to think she was fake and her dad (in the video) said the difference between being real and being fake is love.  As I reflect on the tragedy that took place today (well really yesterday at this point) in Connecticut, I fear for our country.  Some people think it's a matter of gun control, some people think it's a matter of mental health resources, some people have no idea at all... I think each of those things may play a role, but I think what is lacking in our world is love.  I have said before that my biggest fear for our nation is what I call the "I'm right and you're stupid" mentality.  It leaves no room for sharing thoughts and ideas.  It leaves no room for respect.  It leaves no room for love.  Mother Teresa is quoted as saying, "If you judge people you have no time to love them."  Please let's stop judging, and choose love instead.  Let's go out of our way to help people - whether they are strangers, acquaintances, or people we know well.  Love.

 My heart breaks for the families who lost loved ones today, but it also breaks for a young man who saw no other answer other than shooting.  Emmanuel.  God with us.  Jesus came to earth 2000+ years ago to share in the realities of the human experience - the joy and the pain.  And he shares the human experience with us still today. In the midst of this tragedy - Emmanuel.


  1. Also - have totally forgotten to post mileage updates in my last 2 posts. I ran 5.9 yesterday and 5.6 today so I am up to 42.5 total, 37.5 to go - more than halfway there!


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