What's next?

Well Easter Sunday has passed. Lent is over. My daily blogging clearly is over too. I actually intended to write a post on Sunday, but my computer power cord is dead and the only internet I have at home right now is on my Kindle. Which is fine for the occasional Facebook status, but not really functional for writing anything of length. (I'm writing this at my office computer)

So what happens from here? Basically I will continue posting as I feel inspired to do so. I don't know how often that will be, and I may or may not post on Facebook when I do it, but that's what will happen next...

In that spirit, I read this today, and think it's an important message.

Charity or justice?

I should add, perhaps, that posting this on my blog seems a little like "liking" something on Facebook. But it puts into words something I have thought for awhile now, so I'm sharing anyway :-)


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