
I'm not really sure why I am so tired this week, but I know I am. This is the second night in a row that I have fallen asleep without really meaning to, and then woken up around 1 am, finished stuff that needs done, and will be going to bed for real shortly. Because I don't want to spend a long time thinking about something to write about, I am again going to share something I read.

Your passion is not my passion

I read this article, and it really struck me because I think it is important to know what our passions are, and how that will work in ministry. Whether we are on church staff, or just members, we need to know what gets us excited about being in ministry. That doesn't mean those are the only things we should do. Sometimes we need to do things outside our passions - that's just life. But those things that are our passions will keep us excited and revitalized to continue doing ministries, and we need to make those a priority. I know that for me, I am always reminded why I do what I do when my passions are engaged.


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