Doing things you aren't good at

I have been doing zumba for about a month and a half now. I only go once a week since I am still trying to run a few times a week as well (though that doesn't always happen). For me, zumba is good cross-training, and that's a lot of the reason I go. I definitely don't go because I'm good at it. I have no sense of rhythm, and my coordination leaves much to be desired. Plus I am easily distracted and just lose my place in the steps. But you know, despite all of that, I also go because I enjoy it.

Sometimes we think we should only do those things we are good at. Or we're scared to try things because we know we won't be good at them. I could have told you before I tried zumba that I would not be good at it. I have known for a long time that I have no rhythm. And that did make me hesitant to go at first. Fortunately for me, I have friends who had done zumba before me and going with them got me over my hesitancy.

So what is that thing you're scared to try because you might not be good at it? Does your competency really matter? None of us are going to be good at everything we do, but sometimes we should do them anyway - and sometimes it's a matter of laughing at ourselves when we aren't good at things. Personally, I do that all the time...


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