Who am I?

"No success or failure should become your identity. No rise or fall can determine who you are. And though that feels simple and sometimes even impossible to believe, that is what I remind myself of everyday. We are God's children. And you and I can rest in the truth of that and be bold in the risks we take and the hope we have. Because our identity is not at stake."

For me, my identity is quite tied up in what other people think of me. When people give me critical feedback, it is like they are saying I am not good enough. And that is a lot of why I don't handle criticism well. Because it's not that the person is saying that I made a mistake, it's like they are saying that I am not good enough. And I get defensive because I want to prove that I AM good enough. And perhaps the person I most want to prove it to is myself.

I usually think of myself as a fairly confident person. I genuinely like who I am. But sometimes I wonder if the things I think about myself are trying to prove to myself that I am right about what I think about myself. That I need to justify it.

This post from Jon Acuff is right on with what I have been realizing about myself. I need to define who I am as a child of God. The rest is just details.

I was reading about simplicity last night. Sometimes we confuse simplicity with less stuff, but the quotes that I was reading instead defined simplicity as contentment whatever the circumstances. That's what I want for my life. I want to be secure in God's love that the details don't define me. While they do certainly matter, I want to remember what matters most. I titled this entire blog "What really matters..." It's time that I define myself by what really matters - God loves me. The rest is just details.


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