Fully alive

There seems to be a theme arising in my journaling and blogging and quotes, and that is the theme of living fully. I have written about living outside fear, about living into who God created me to be, about being willing to look foolish, about living a better story, about letting go of my expectations for life, about being able to ask for help, and more.

I am blessed in so many ways in that I feel that I truly to do have a passion for what I do in life. I love my job and the teenagers I work with, and I have passions outside of that as well. But I also acknowledge that there must be more, and that is what I seem to be looking for this Lent. The more that I know is there.

It reminds me of a quote I have heard that says, "I don't want to get to the end of my life and find that I have just lived the length of it. I want to have lived the width of it as well." (Diane Ackerman). I want to take the opportunities that are presented to me and live them fully. . I want to accomplish those things on my 30 before 30 list, and I want to be able to make a whole new list of 40 before 40. I want to keep trying new things and accomplishing goals and dreaming and living those dreams. I want to live. And it is in living that I can fully be who God created me to be.

My quote for the day is "The glory of God is manifest in the person fully alive." (Iranaeus of Lyon). I want people to see the glory of God in the way I live my life. And then I will be living the length and width - and even the depth of my life. 3D movies and TV are the new thing these days - I don't need my television and movies to be 3D - I need to live 3D. That is what I want out of life.


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