The point...

Last night I picked up a devotion book that I haven't read in awhile that is designed for youth workers. And the one that I happened to read last night was about remembering God's grace and not getting too caught up in what we "should" do.

This is a excerpt from what I read...

"Do you ever feel if you prayed more, read your Bible more, served more, or evangelized more that God's love for you would increase? We know in our hearts that it's not true, but that doesn't stop us from feeling guilty that we're not doing enough...

So today is all about embracing God's grace. It's about knowing that you don't have to do anything to make him love you. He already loves you as much as he can, and that's not going to change." ~ Liz Hoeksma, Soul Food for Youth Workers

It was an apt thing to read as I start this Lenten journey because I am working on having a daily quiet time and doing daily journaling in the evening and blogging in the morning. But I don't want any of it to become simply a chore that I have to do. Sure, sometimes I will have to make myself do it because I am not sure I want to. But I hope that is not the majority of days - particularly the more I make myself do it, I hope that it makes me want to do it more. Because it's not about a daily quiet time, a blog, or a journal. It's about getting closer to the God who created me, who loves me, and who wants a relationship with me. It's about deepening that relationship and allowing God to feed into me.

So today, my prayer is that I can remember the point of all of what I do.


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