Looking like a fool
"That's why grace is so amazing
That's why love is so absurd
And that's why I sing for a God unchanging
That's why I don't care if I look like a fool"
~ Matt Maher, "Look Like a Fool"
I have been thinking a lot lately about living outside of my fear - as has probably been evidenced by some of my posts. It is a fact of life that, if we let it, fear will control us and limit the experiences we can have. I don't want my fears to limit me. And the fear that I have the most is being rejected. But the truth is that God was rejected in Jesus. And sometimes it is worth it. Not that I want to go out and seek to be rejected, but I want to live outside of the fear of being rejected. I want to make my choices based on what I believe, based on my own choices outside of fear.
That may make me look like a fool - in ways that I am not currently, I mean. I already don't have trouble intentionally looking ridiculous. But I don't want to be afraid that if I do something or say something I will look like a fool when I don't mean to. A couple weeks ago, the youth got to dress me up because they raised more than their $1000 goal for the 30 hour famine. And I looked ridiculous, and I was totally fine with it. But I said to a couple of people, it was easier to go all out crazy like that, then just to do, for example, crazy makeup while wearing normal clothes, because then it wouldn't be nearly as obvious that I did it on purpose. I don't want to be worried about things like that. I want to trust God so much and follow so closely that his perfect love casts out that fear. And I want to be an example to others that living outside of fear is possible. God has given us too many amazing things in this life to be living in fear.
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