Time to just be me...

We all have roles to play in life. Sister, daughter, friend, youth pastor - those are just a few of the roles that I have to play. But sometimes our roles take over who we are. For me the role that tends to take over my life is my job. And my role as a youth pastor is a huge part of who I am. But it is not all of who I am. Tonight I went to an event for young professionals in Delaware county (even though I'm not really sure the term professional can accurately be applied to me). It was a nice opportunity to just be Katy. Sure, what I do for a living was a part of the conversation, but as the evening continued I was able to hang out with a couple of other people and just be me.

I put a quote on my facebook last week, "Balance is something we swing through on our way to the other extreme." It is a life mantra that author Kara Powell mentions in her book Sticky Faith, and I think it's very true. I think there are a lot of areas we could use balance.

One of the activities I lead often when I am at the challenge course is the Whale Watch. Basically it's a giant see saw that looks something like this...

There are a number of different ways to do this activity, but the basic goal is to get everyone on the platform and have it balanced. Afterwards, during the debriefing, I usually try to talk about balance and areas of our lives that we need to balance. What we eat, how we spend our time, our money, there are lots of areas in our lives where balance is important. And making times to be ourselves is one of those things. And one perk is that when we take time for ourselves, when we take time to rest, we will be better at our jobs. We will be better able to serve those around us.

So what have you done for yourself lately?


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