
Since yesterday I wrote about the importance of time to be yourself, today I am going to write about rest, or more accurately, sleep.

I was talking today at dinner about how I look back at college and I wonder how I did it - especially my senior year. My last semester of college, I got up in the morning and went to work at the daycare at 8 or 8:30. I worked until noon I think, then I went to campus for afternoon classes. In the evening I had all sorts of activities I was involved with, and then I would get home around 9 at night and start homework. Plus I always made time for my friends, because well, why do now what you can put off until later? So I usually slept between 5-6 hours a night sometimes less.

I don't think I could pull that off now, but the truth is that I don't always listen to my body when it says it needs rest. In Psalm 127:2 it says, "In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat - for he grants sleep to those he loves." I love that verse, because it reminds me that sleep is a gift from God, and one I should not waste. Should I spend all my time sleeping? Definitely not, but when it is time to rest, I should use that time. I should trust God with my worries if they keep me up at night. I should stop wasting my time on stupid things that don't matter (which is what I usually do when I should be sleeping). I should just let go for that period of time and accept the gift of rest.

So I challenge you this weekend - find some time to rest. As for me, I'm going to get ready for bed now. And it's not even midnight so that's quite a feat for me.


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