
In case you haven't noticed, there has been a theme running through my weekend. Yesterday's post excluded, I have been writing about things in our lives that we sometimes neglect - taking time to be ourselves, and sleep. Today I would like to write about another one of those - play.

Tonight for SUM TEENS, we had a parents time out. I have to admit that I stayed out way later than I should have last night, and it was such a busy day that I could have slept WAY longer than what I had time for. And I didn't have time for a nap this afternoon - at least not the kind of nap I really wanted. So I went to Tim Horton's for a cafe mocha on my way to the church and I pushed through. And I spent my late afternoon/evening playing with kids.

And as I thought about what I wanted to write tonight, I started thinking about this idea of play. You see, kids know how to play. As I chased kids around the room and heard their giggles, as I made things with playdoh with them, as I held a girl who had fallen and made her laugh with silly antics, as I had silly face contests with kids, all of these kids know how to play.

Where do we lose that along the way? I think that's part of the reason I am so grateful for my job. I get to play in my work, and I love that part of it. I wrote Thursday about needing time to be just Katy, and I am thankful that this weekend I got to play outside of my job - that balance is important. But tonight I got to play as part of my job, and I am thankful for that too.

I saw a quote somewhere when I was in college (no idea where) that said, "Life is a playground, why aren't you playing?" So today I am thankful for play. And I hope you take time to play soon if you haven't done so recently.


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