Countdown to 30: Posts 7&8

Post 7: So yesterday was the first semi-relaxing day I've had since the quarter marathon. I had an absolutely insane week. So yesterday, the goal was simply to accomplish what needed to be done, and otherwise to have some "me" time. So I went grocery shopping, I did some laundry and a little unpacking, and I went to the church for a meeting. Otherwise, yesterday was just for me. And it was wonderful! Post 8: Today was the Walk 4 Faith at the zoo and my goal of the day was to complete it in less than 30 minutes. Now I admit that it did not seem like a full 5k when I was running it, and my time seems to indicate that as well. But I'm going to take it anyway - I was around 26:30 if I recall correctly. So even if it wasn't a full 5k, I had more than 3 minutes to spare, so I'm sure I could have done it. So goal achieved!!


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