Countdown to 30: Post 1

Today it is 30 days until my 30th birthday. As a countdown I am doing something new everyday for the next 30 days. And it worked out perfectly, because today, to kick off my "Countdown to 30," I ran the quarter marathon as part of the Capital City Half. That's 6.55 miles. My longest race prior to today was the Flying Feather 4-miler on Thanksgiving last November, and I had only run 6 miles once during my training - about 2 months ago. But I felt pretty good going into the race. And I was able to run all of it!! I don't know an official time yet, but my best estimate is somewhere in the neighborhood of 1:10, which would be about a 10:40 mile. So there it is, the first day of my countdown for 30... stay tuned for what the other 29 days hold... (though I may not actually blog every day, just fyi - some goals are just for me)


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