Countdown to 30: Adjustment to the plan
So I had good intentions of accomplishing something small everyday. But last week - well it was crazy and I simply did not have the brain power to even think about what my 30 day countdown activities would be between moving, working at Heartland, and having a cold. So I concentrated on doing what needed done. And then as I was thinking about what I wanted to do moving forward, I decided I wanted to simplify things and have a weekly goal instead, with occasional daily things in addition to my weekly goals. So last week, the goal was the move. I also ran my sub-30 5k on Saturday. This week the goal is to run at least 30 minutes every day. So far so good - I ran both yesterday and today. And I have been doing ab work too - maybe for the first time in my life I will be able to see my abs. And then I can wear that bikini I bought! I may do some other things on the side for myself this week too, but the main goal is simply running those 30 minutes and keeping up with the ab workout...