
Showing posts from May, 2012

Countdown to 30: Adjustment to the plan

So I had good intentions of accomplishing something small everyday. But last week - well it was crazy and I simply did not have the brain power to even think about what my 30 day countdown activities would be between moving, working at Heartland, and having a cold. So I concentrated on doing what needed done. And then as I was thinking about what I wanted to do moving forward, I decided I wanted to simplify things and have a weekly goal instead, with occasional daily things in addition to my weekly goals. So last week, the goal was the move. I also ran my sub-30 5k on Saturday. This week the goal is to run at least 30 minutes every day. So far so good - I ran both yesterday and today. And I have been doing ab work too - maybe for the first time in my life I will be able to see my abs. And then I can wear that bikini I bought! I may do some other things on the side for myself this week too, but the main goal is simply running those 30 minutes and keeping up with the ab workout...

Countdown to 30: Posts 7&8

Post 7: So yesterday was the first semi-relaxing day I've had since the quarter marathon. I had an absolutely insane week. So yesterday, the goal was simply to accomplish what needed to be done, and otherwise to have some "me" time. So I went grocery shopping, I did some laundry and a little unpacking, and I went to the church for a meeting. Otherwise, yesterday was just for me. And it was wonderful! Post 8: Today was the Walk 4 Faith at the zoo and my goal of the day was to complete it in less than 30 minutes. Now I admit that it did not seem like a full 5k when I was running it, and my time seems to indicate that as well. But I'm going to take it anyway - I was around 26:30 if I recall correctly. So even if it wasn't a full 5k, I had more than 3 minutes to spare, so I'm sure I could have done it. So goal achieved!!

Countdown to 30: Post 3, 4 & 5 (and maybe 6 too)

So originally I had counted moving as just one item on my list, but after the last 3 days, I definitely thinks it counts as 3 (maybe even 4 depending how tomorrow goes). I have been going pretty much non-stop since the quarter marathon. And since I developed a cold on top of my hectic schedule, accomplishing anything other than what absolutely needed done has been pretty much impossible. You know I've been working hard when I have been in bed before midnight every night since Friday. Which I guess combines with something else I have been putting off - having a more adult schedule. I don't know if that one will stick once I'm not running myself ragged, but we'll see. As for right now, I am off to bed.

Countdown to 30: Post 2

29 days to go: For today's new thing I bought 2 items that I would never have purchased 18 months ago before I began losing weight: a maxi dress (of the style that would have made me look pregnant in the past) and a bikini. Not sure I am quite ready to wear the bikini yet, but that's another goal. I'm not done with the work that I have to do, but I have come a long way. I also truly believe that the fact that it has been this slow a process has been good for me because it has truly been a lifestyle change that I can maintain. And that was the primary goal in the first place :-)

Countdown to 30: Post 1

Today it is 30 days until my 30th birthday. As a countdown I am doing something new everyday for the next 30 days. And it worked out perfectly, because today, to kick off my "Countdown to 30," I ran the quarter marathon as part of the Capital City Half. That's 6.55 miles. My longest race prior to today was the Flying Feather 4-miler on Thanksgiving last November, and I had only run 6 miles once during my training - about 2 months ago. But I felt pretty good going into the race. And I was able to run all of it!! I don't know an official time yet, but my best estimate is somewhere in the neighborhood of 1:10, which would be about a 10:40 mile. So there it is, the first day of my countdown for 30... stay tuned for what the other 29 days hold... (though I may not actually blog every day, just fyi - some goals are just for me)