words HURT

Yesterday a girl died. She was a senior in high school. And while I don't know the details, from what I've heard, she was a beautiful girl full of life, but at some point was told she had cellulite...

Like I said, I don't know the details, but apparently she became anorexic. I didn't know this girl, but the pictures I have seen - she was beautiful. And it's such a tragic reason to die.

Why do we do this to each other? Why do we say such harsh words? Why do we make these comments that hurt for so long? And most of the time we don't even think about what we're saying - we don't even realize the damage our words are doing. We say things affectionately, or as a joke, and the damage we do has lasting consequences - consequences that even the people dealing with them may not see for years.

So today my goal is to be uplifting, to remind people how beautiful and wonderful and amazing they are, just as the people they are.



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