The beginning of Lent...

This is the beginning of Lent and as such the beginning of my reflections about life. I get into moods where I am very reflective, but often I am not in such a mood and in those times I do not really reflect on things the way that I should. So this Lent, my goal is to spend some time each day reflecting on life, faith, and anything else that happens to cross my mind in my reflections.

So for today, it seems only appropriate to reflect on Lent. So often we think of it as a time to give something - like chocolate or pop - up. But why? Why should you - or should you not - give something up? I used to do that myself. In fact, I gave up pop once many years ago, and even now I very rarely drink an entire can of pop. But most of the time when those are the kinds of things we give up, it doesn't really change anything after Easter. In fact, to me, it sometimes seems that we become more excited about Easter because we get to eat chocolate or drink pop instead of being excited about Easter because Jesus rose from the dead. And that's pretty much missing the point.

So as I reflected about what I wanted to do this year, I wanted to do something that really would matter. Not necessarily to anyone else. At this point, I haven't even told anyone about this blog. But I want something that will change me. Because that's what this Easter season is all about. Change. Here in North America, we have Easter in the spring. Right now, if I were to look out my window, I would see that everything is snow covered, but as time passes, the snow will melt (though I'm not gonna count on it being completely gone by Easter - there's A LOT of snow out there!) and flowers will bloom, weather will warm up. I hate winter, but after winter there is spring and then summer (my personal favorite). And after Lent comes the resurrection. So this Lent, I am going to focus on the journey - where I am now, where I am each day, and the celebration that is to come.

So here it is - my Lenten blog that may or may not continue after Easter. But even if it doesn't, hopefully I will learn things along the way that I can take with me. Here's to beginning the journey...


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