And yet...

I am so fortunate. I start with that because I am not in the best mental space as I write this, so I want you to know up front that I know how fortunate I am to lead the life I do. I have a wonderful family and support system. I have a flexible job that I enjoy that also gives me the opportunity to spend my days with my young daughter. I have a house that we are working on making our own. And I am so grateful for all these things and so much more.

And yet… Actually, I don’t even know quite where to go with those two words yet. I just know that I feel unsatisfied by those things, like there’s something missing. It’s almost as if my life has been consumed by those things – my family, my daughter, my job, my house – and I don’t know where I am anymore. I am lost in inside my own life.

And so today I begin a journey of finding myself again. Not because I don’t love and appreciate each of those things, but because I need to get out of this rut. Because right now I feel like I am a great mom and struggling to keep my head above water with everything else. We moved into a new house 2.5 months ago and it’s still a mess of unpacked boxes and things that need organized – and that doesn’t even include the projects like painting we would like to do to make the house our own. Add to that the fact that I can’t keep up with the cleaning, and the to do list never ends. Then there are the things on my to do list for work that have been there for months because more time-sensitive things keep coming up and I just can’t seem to get to it all. And yes, the mom piece is the most important one, but the other things matter too, and I feel like my life is a giant to do list that never ends. 

Self-care seems like a pipe dream. And like “one more thing” I should be doing. And yet (there are those words again!), I know it is exactly what I need. So I've decided. It’s time to start figuring out how to incorporate myself back into my life. I’m excited to see where it leads.

Today it led to Panera for a lunch (mmm mac and cheese!) with me and my laptop (and a cold brew coffee) and writing this blog. Tomorrow? Who knows! And that’s part of the fun for someone like me who doesn’t appreciate the predictable. Onward to the unknown; I’m ready for the adventure!


  1. Every day and every stage of motherhood takes real work to find balance for yourself and all your roles. Somedays you will have it all together. Others days will feel like it is all falling apart. Breathe deep. You will find yourself again and all the other roles you have will be sweeter for it.


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