Grace and Goals

It's the beginning of a new year and a time when people make lots of promises to themselves. Some people do really well. Others, not so much. Some of you reading this may have already "broken" your resolutions. And in fact - that's what I want to talk about.

The most important thing I have learned in my journey to accomplish my goals is the importance of grace. And by that I mean grace with myself. For a long time I would set lofty goals for myself. Eating healthy all the time, having a quiet time everyday, exercising multiple times a week. All of these are good things. But it wasn't until I started having grace for myself in the process that I started succeeding at any of them. Because before, if I missed a day, I saw the goal as being over. I had broken the resolution, the promise. But when I started having grace with myself, I would simply try again the next day. Or the day after that. Sometimes it has worked better than others, but I have certainly had more success at achieving my goals when I have had grace with myself.

So whatever your goals are for 2016, remember to make grace a part of them.


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