
I keep seeing these posts about people picking their word for 2015. Something they want to move toward, what they want their theme to be. It seems to me to be the new form of resolutions. And as I see these posts, and consider what I would choose as my word, I honestly have no idea. Because I have no idea what 2015 will hold. But I can absolutely look back and choose a word that defines 2014 for me: Trust.

A year ago, I thought things were moving along pretty well in my life. I thought I had finally found some balance and felt pretty settled. Oh, things weren't perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but I was happy with where I was. And then in January, everything changed. The details of how and why the change happened don't really matter, but it was a change I hadn't planned on. In January, it was decided that I would leave my job at the time at the end of May. And the reality is, as a youth leader, my career is much different than just a job. I have a job that infiltrates my life. My job comes with relationships and friendships; it brings meaning and purpose to my life. And I had to somehow let go of all that. The first 5 months of 2014 were hard. I was busy with so many things going on in my life, both personally and at the church, that sometimes it seemed like business as usual. And then something would remind me that this was all ending in May and I had nothing figured out for the future.

And then the future became the present. When June arrived, I had no job. I had been on interviews, and I had more lined up, but I had no idea where I was going to end up. We had also had to give 60 days notice at our apartment, which we had done at the end of April, so I was also preparing to move, yet had no idea where I would be going. I toyed with so many ideas, not sure which direction I wanted to go. I applied for various positions. And I waited, trying to figure things out.

But let's back up a bit: It was June 1 when I visited Northwest UMC for the first time, before my interview later that week. The service that Sunday was being held in the Chapel in the Woods, and my camp heart felt immediately at home. I unknowingly sat next to the head of the Staff Parish Relations Committee who would be conducting the interview later that week. The interview went well, but there were no immediate answers. In the middle of June, I traveled to Indianapolis for 2 interviews, and the night of the interview, I was offered one of those jobs. I went back the following day and met with the pastor of that church, and honestly, there were some things that really attracted me to that job. But it was in Indianapolis, and my life is here in Columbus. And I also really liked the option of Northwest. So I told the pastor I would get back with him soon, and scheduled a meeting with Pastor Mebane from Northwest.

That's the long version of the story. Here's the timeline version:

  • June 1: Visit Northwest UMC for worship
  • June 4: Interview with Northwest
  • June 18: 2 interviews in Indianapolis, 2nd church offers me the job
  • June 20: Meet with Pastor Mebane of Northwest, and am offered that job as well
  • June 22: Visit an apartment complex with my roommate after church. At first we are told they have no apartments available until late July, but then discover that there was a commitment canceled the day before on a pet apartment. Visit apartment and find it will work well for Dora, Tinkerbell, and me. Fill out the application and set up appointment to sign the lease on Friday.
  • June 23: Officially accept the job at Northwest and turn down the church in Indianapolis.
  • June 27: Sign the lease and begin moving, which continues all weekend
  • June 30: Finish moving out of Sunbury apartment with all the last minute cleaning etc.
  • July 1: Start job at Northwest UMC.
Needless to say, it was a bit of a whirlwind. But strangely, somehow in all of that chaos, I never doubted that something would work out. I am so grateful that I have so many support networks that I knew I had options to fall back on, but the biggest thing was trust. Trust that no matter what happened, God was right there with me. I don't believe that everything happens for a reason. But I do believe that if we give the realities of life over to God, God can redeem anything. For me, 2014 began as a mess, but as I write this, I can attest to the fact that God has redeemed that mess and I have landed in a good place. 

So what will 2015 bring? Only time will tell, but I will bring the lesson of trust with me as I enter into whatever adventures 2015 may hold. 

Happy new year!


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