Holy, Holy, Holy

People have been asking about reflections from Costa Rica, and I keep promising they are coming.  But life keeps getting in the way.  So this week I am planning to make time to sit down and write some of my reflections.  Here is a moment that was brought to my mind this morning:

On Thursday March 27, we went to the feeding program that Strong Missions helps support in La Carpio. There is a lot of need in La Carpio.  I asked one of our Strong Missions guides, Brooke, to send me the information that we were told about La Carpio.  Here it is in her words:

La Carpio is 9 sq miles and has approx. 44,000 people living there of which approx. 30,000 are under 18. Over 1/2 the population are immigrants, mostly from Nicaragua. There is only 1 elementary school in the area so a lot of children are sent out to other areas and have to take public transport. School lunch is technically provided free, but in the underfunded, overpopulated area, they would say that it doesn't constitute any kind of nutritional support. We are feeding approx. 70-80 kids in La Carpio 5 days a week. We would like to expand by 2018 to 100 kids, twice a day. That will hinge on what happens with the property lines as the government divides the land and titles it for sale. We will see what God has planned for the facilities when the time comes!

I will likely write multiple reflections about our time in La Carpio, but today the one that came back to me has to do with worship.  We were in the church for the feeding program, and at the front were the worship instruments.  On our team, we had about half our Sunday morning praise team, so we had some pretty talented musicians, and Pastor James hooked up the equipment so they could play.  So as the rest of us served food, they played praise and worship songs.

After we had finished all the activities of the feeding program, Pastor James' wife, Kristina, talked to us briefly and she mentioned the singing, specifically the song where we sang, "Santo, santo santo"(which is holy, holy, holy in Spanish) and that she recognized that song. We were singing "Open the Eyes of My Heart."

It reminds me of these words from Ephesians 4:3-6:

Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.

Wherever we worship, in whatever denomination, whatever language, it is the same God that we are worshiping.  It is a beautiful thing to see when that comes together as it did for us in La Carpio with Kristina. And it my hope and prayer that we can as followers of Christ begin to focus on that which brings us together, and realize this, even as we celebrate that which makes us different.  That God would indeed "open the eyes of our hearts" and we may see his glory in each other. Amen.


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