Getting through the fog

It was a dark and foggy night.  It sounds like the beginning of a creepy story, but the truth is I am not a good storyteller.  What I am good at is making random connections between things I experience to learn life lessons.  And it was a dark and foggy night.  I was driving, and every time I drive through fog at night, I wish I could see more clearly, and want to turn my brights on.  Then I remember learning in drivers' ed that, in fog, your brights actually make it harder to see because they create glare.  Yet, I almost always try it like maybe this time it will be different.  And my drivers' ed instructor is proven correct every time.  

As I followed this sequence the other night, I started thinking about how life sometimes seems like a dark and foggy night. We feel lost in the fog trying to figure out what direction life is going next.  And we want to turn on the brights, doing what we can in our own power to get through the situation faster, but all that does is create glare that confuses the situation more.  Instead, we need to just trust God's leading in our lives. Trust that God will get us through the fog.  Trust that the fog will clear in time.  

And we need to remember that trust is not just a word.  It is an action.  It is easy to say we trust God.  It is hard to live it.  Living in the fog is not easy, but trusting a foggy future to the God who loves me more than I can possibly fathom - that's faith worth having.


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