
After last weekend's winter storm in the northeast, I saw this video...

and honestly, I felt this describes my life so far in 2013.  It feels like there has been so much going on and there is no way I can stay on top of everything that needs done.  For me, that means that those things that are low priority (read: can get put off), simply don't happen, and they all pile up.  This coming weekend is my first Saturday off of the year, and I am only getting it off because an event was canceled. Retreat is over.  Sub sale is complete.  Youth Sunday was a success. When youth group was over Sunday night, I felt like I could breathe for the first time this year.  So as you have to do after a big snow storm, I started digging out.  Yesterday I was able to finally clean my bathroom and bedroom, and today I started on my office.  It is my hope that I can dig out enough to catch up, and maybe even get a little bit ahead before I go out of town for a youth leaders retreat next week (in South Carolina!)

At the same time, we are entering the season of Lent in the Christian year, so I have been considering whether I want to give up or add something for Lent.  The last few years I have committed to blogging daily, and to be honest the very idea of adding that to my to do list at this point makes it feel like work.  And given that I have not run in 2 weeks for the very reason that I felt like it had become an item on my to do list instead of something I wanted to do for me, I don't want to do that to blogging too.  (Don't worry - I'll be back to running soon.  I probably would have run today, but Dora and I had already planned to go zumba).

So what to do?  As I consider this, I have decided that for Lent I am giving up letting things pile up all around me.   I am going to work on my time management and try to keep up with things as they happen.  I'm not giving up procrastination entirely - lots of things for me simply work better at the last minute.  But I am giving up procrastinating on all those little things that seem so easy to put off.   Or at least I'm going to try - we'll see how it goes.  


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