Are you a dog or a cat?

I have seen this dog's diary/cat's diary many times, and laughed in remembering it even more times.  

Tinkerbell, my roommate's dog, definitely is represented in the dog's diary.  She is so excited when someone gets home that despite her small size she bounces to waist height over and over again.  And if you mention the word walk, more bouncing ensues.  She likes to chase her toy all over the apartment - as many times as you throw it she will chase it.  But she is also content to sit beside one of her human friends and just relax, like she is right now as I write this.  But I know that if I were to get up and go back to my bedroom for something, she would get up and follow me.  

Earlier today, after my devotions, I was watching Tinkerbell and this diary of a dog and cat came into my mind again.  And I started wondering, which one better represents me in my life?  Am I excited and joyful to be alive?  Do I truly appreciate all the amazing things that I am able to do?  Or do I look at everything as pure torture as the cat does?  For me the truth is somewhere in the middle, as it probably is for most people. But I have met people who see the negative in almost every aspect of life.  And I have met a few people who see the amazing in almost every aspect of life.  I definitely would rather be the latter.

My devotions and reading this morning was about loving God with all I am.  Francis Chan, in his book Forgotten God (which is about the Holy Spirit) put it this way:

God said to Israel, "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.  I will be found by you, declares the LORD" (Jer. 29:13-14)  When is the last time you sought God with all your heart?  

Wow - what a question.  When is the last time I sought God with all that I am?  When was the last time I looked at the various aspects of life as my favorite thing?  When was the last time I was excited to spend time with God as Tinkerbell is to see Dora?  And when I just sit with God am I as content as Tink is laying next to me right now?  Do I really see the blessings God has bestowed on me and recognize them for what they are?  Do you?


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