It's not really about Chick-Fil-A

In the past few days, I have seen more about Chick-Fil-A then I maybe ever have - and I went to college on campus with one. And much of what I have seen disturbs me in many ways. I first want to clarify that there are a variety of perspectives among my Facebook friends, and there are many people that I respect, even when I don't agree with them, on the issue of gay marriage. But to me, the scary thing about this "debate," if we can even call it that, has nothing to do with homosexuality. Here are some thoughts that I have (and also some I have read) about this debate, and others like it:

1. I keep hearing that this is a matter of Christians standing up against an government that is trying to force something on them. Now whether that is actually true is another matter of debate, but I would just like to point out that Jesus did not tell the Jews to stand up when the Roman government was oppressing them. In fact, he told them to turn the other cheek and to walk a second mile. To be clear, I am not saying there is never a time that we need to stand up for our rights. But I question whether this is one of those instances.

2. Broadcasting opinions is not necessary. In fact, Jesus told his followers not to brag about their faith. I think of the story Jesus told about the Pharisee next to the tax collector who was thanking God that he was not like the tax collector - who was it that Jesus said was in the right?

Jesus also said, “And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you."

We live in age where we broadcast all sorts of things from our lives on social media. And sharing these things can sometimes be good. But if most people think about it, I think they will realize that when you broadcast your opinion you get support from those who agree with you and ostracize those who don't. It may not be your intention, but it happens. If you support Chick-Fil-A, you can still eat there without sharing it all over your Facebook. And you can do the same if you don't support Chick-Fil-A. I think one thing we need to learn in our society is when to live our faith instead of broadcasting it.

3. "Love the sinner, hate the sin" is not actually a verse in the Bible. Jesus does tell us to love our enemies, to pray for those who persecute us. He also tells us not to judge others. I am not saying we should condone sin. But I am saying that we should love first and consider how our hate of the sin is impacting the sinner. I think that people use this saying to excuse statements that are simply not loving.  How loving are you being to the people who disagree with you and read that comment you posted? Are your words doing more harm than good? And how many people are changed by an argument? Here are some thoughts for being respectful in this debate

4. Do you investigate all the places you spend your money? Or just when something comes to light? Do you know where you clothes from? What businesses support? Otherwise maybe Chick-Fil-A should simply be judged by the sandwich.

5. Is this really the biggest issue we have to spend our time and energy on?  I read this editorial this morning that talks about this very question.  And then I went back to my facebook page and saw this post:

"I was younger I used to cut myself. I was called fat, and ugly. People at the bus stop made fun of me, I didnt know why? I always asked myself, why me?. I tried over dosing a ton of times and taking my life. Thankfully To Save a Life changed my view upon life. I'm not going to sit here and lie and tell you I'm 100 percent better, cause I'm not. But I'm getting there." - Rosalia 

This just drove the point home for me - there are bigger issues in this world.

Anyway - just a few thoughts to consider before the next hot button issue comes around...


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