Simply human

I have mentioned before that I am really frustrated with the "I'm right and you're stupid" mentality that I see all over our culture today. But I have noticed another similar attitude lately that worries me at least as much - and actually goes along with my post this morning. The lack of ability to accept that people make mistakes. That does not make them bad people. Nor do we have to ignore or absolve them of those mistakes for them to be good people.

Romans 3:23 says "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."

The truth is that none of us are perfect. We all make mistakes. And we need to learn to accept it, in ourselves and in others. In our culture of sensationalism and over-analyzing every tiny detail of things that don't really matter, it's really easy to think that we can't move past mistakes. But the reality is that we do ourselves and others a disservice when we get stuck on mistakes - and when we take sides.

I have made mistakes in my life, and dealt with the consequences. I have also had to deal with consequences of the mistakes that others made. And when we are in those situations, we have a choice. We can refuse to believe that there is a mistake being made - but that usually results in a bigger mistake and larger consequences. We can dwell on the mistake - but that usually results in fractured or completely broken relationships, especially when it is someone else who made it. Or we can accept that a mistake was made, deal with the consequences, love, forgive, and move on.

Note that dealing with the consequences is a part of this. Forgiveness does not take away consequences. But it does allow us to move on from the mistake. We need to learn how to deal with our mistakes, and those of those around us. And we also need to realize that we are capable of all sorts of things that we think we aren't. Those big sins that we see magnified on national news - we are capable of those things. Because it's not one leap from where we are now to there. It's a series of small steps. Small steps that we are all capable of taking. This is something that I have learned in recent years. And something I think we all need to learn so that we can stop demonizing people for their mistakes and recognize that we are all simply human.

I put this in a post from November too, but in a different way it fits here,

We all have choices, everyday.


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