
I just spent a week at Wanake, and it was great except it made me quite nostalgic. I miss those days. The days where everyone at Wanake was my friend - at least to some extent of the word, though some were obviously closer friends than others. I miss the random moments, the laughter, the hugs, the great conversations.

Don't get me wrong, I love my life now. But there was something kind of magical about that time at Wanake. And being back there reminded me of those days. Then I stopped at David and Renae's and had some amazing conversation with them, spent the night on their couch, and had more amazing conversation this morning before I drove back home. And since I got home I have read email. I have watched my netflix movie. I have relaxed. And while I appreciate the alone time, the only conversations I have had since leaving David and Renae's this morning have been over the phone.

And now I am sitting here, and there's this amazing storm going on outside, and I wish I had someone to share it with. I want someone who will sit beside me and watch the sky light up and listen to the thunder rumble, and hold me and be as much in awe of God's power as I am. I want someone who will run outside with me and play in the rain, or will sit and watch from the window. I want to share this moment.

Of course it doesn't help that I just watched Gilmore Girls where Rory is getting together with Logan, and I spent the night with amazing married people, and saw young couples at camp, and I quite simply want what they have. But I will move past this feeling, and tomorrow is a new day. It's just a lonely, stormy night.


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