Embrace the Squiggle - Graduation Sunday

I love the Psalms. I love the Psalms because they are real. There is emotion and life in the Psalms. Sometimes when I read the stories of the Bible, like stories of Jesus, it is easy for me to jump to the end or just think of them as stories because I have been hearing them my whole life, and I have to remind myself that these stories are real. I have to consciously put the emotion and the life into the story. But not so with the Psalms. With the Psalms the emotions are so evident. And so many of the psalms were written by one man – David. And he has an quite the story. You see David didn’t have the life he anticipated. The first time we meet David, he is a young shepherd boy off tending flocks. The prophet Samuel comes to his home after being told that one of Jesse’s sons is to be the next king. After all 7 of Jesse’s older sons are not found to be the right one, Samuel asks if he has any more sons, to which Jesse responds, only the youngest is left – he is out with the sheep. Jesse s...